Yes, many things are taken out of context in the media and we all recognize that. But the blogosphere should be embraced and used as part of any communication strategy.
With today’s young adults using everything from Facebook and MySpace to text messaging and emailing, it only makes sense to engage in the media of the future and learn how to effectively communicate what is going on.
Several times, I have posted on a subject and changed an inaccurate post and set the record straight.
The blogosphere is evolving rapidly and overall I have been impressed with many blogs. Some are, naturally, over the top but most are responsible and will admit errors in posts or opinions which I think benefits us all.
Besides, it is not that a great number of people, for now, read blogs but rather WHO reads them. They are a powerful part of the political world and need to be taken seriously. Naturally, those that are serious are taken more seriously and those that come off like kooks with a laptop will be viewed the same.
Just my two cents. Fear not the future, if you wish to participate in it.
]]>I rather prefer calling this digital writing than weblogging. The technology will change but the essence of communication should strike a chord with most people.