Uncategorized A bad hit for school districts February 27, 2008 Kris Amundson 4 Comments As I suspected, the SOQ revisions are a very bad deal for school divisions. You can see an interactive map here.
Actually, HERE is the vote: http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?081+vot+HV0994+HB0030 (We really are wonkish. Imagine duelling links!)
I have seen several sets of numbers that show state spending for education is going up under the new “bench marking” guidelines.
here is the vote
Actually, HERE is the vote:
(We really are wonkish. Imagine duelling links!)
I have seen several sets of numbers that show state spending for education is going up under the new “bench marking” guidelines.
I Have the other side of the story at