Too bad those police officers aren’t paid to stop shootings in Richmond or Leesburg, or robberies along Route 1.
What is it state troopers do, again? Oh, yeah, someone already said it. Revenuers.
]]>The citizens are supposed to be in charge, yet we the People, have allowed law enforcement powers to expand to the point to where they prey upon our citizens, using every manner of high tech toys that were bought under the auspices of protecting us from the Muslim boogeyman.
Traffic injuries are at an all time low, so the only rationale for this sort of harassment of drivers is the generation of revenue and to demonstrate police power.
The citizens needn’t just sit back and take this crap. The People must unite and demand that our elected officials severely restrict the activities and power of the police over our citizens. For example, we do not need to fund police agencies to pay personnel to spend their time on the job hiding in bushes with radar guns. Those same resources could be applied to neighborhood and park patrols to help deter burglary and vandalism.
If we citizens were truly asserting our authority, we would not be getting preyed upon, while on the way to grandma’s house. If we were in charge, most highway patrol vehicles would be tow-trucks, operated by skilled mechanics who could stop and assist us if our car broke down.
Now THAT would be an example of government, of, by and for, THE PEOPLE.
Our police agencies need not be cast in the role of enemies of the citizens. All we need to do is to redefine that role to be more of a helpful function by changing laws in order to de-criminalize non-violent behavior, and to target remaining law enforcement assets against real problems, such as burglary, assaults and vandalism.
Of course, if we did this, we could do with far less of our assets devoted to police agencies, something that could create some amount of internal resistance from the cop lobby.
BTW, I will try not to act surprised when I find another tracking device on my car, like the last time I advocated significant reforms and reductions of law enforcement budgets.