For political people, whether you won or lost, the day after the election is dedicated to finding something to do with your excess adrenaline. You obsess on returns from obscure races (alas, Bob Brink, my Republican namesake in Michigan, lost his race for Kalamazoo County Supervisor), drive around picking up yard signs in the median strip, and clean excess campaign material out of the back of your car.
In that spirit, here’s a video from the final night of the Democratic Convention in Denver that I’ve been meaning to post for a long time. Like Stevie says: Signed, Sealed, Delivered.
From the Arlington Democratic Joint Campaign’s e-mail listing “Final Pre-Election Volunteer Opportunities” —
“3) Minstrels for Barack: We need street musicians, jugglers, mimes, and so on to entertain voters standing in long lines on Election Day. The busiest times will be morning, 7 am to 10 am and evening, from 4 pm to 7 pm, but we can schedule during the day as well. If you are an entertainer who would like to use your talent in this way, please sign up at”
My co-blogger tells me that in England street entertainers are called “buskers.” “Buskers for Barack” is even cooler.
“In The Times’s poll, the percentage of respondents who said that they weren’t totally sure who they were going to vote for was almost identical to the percentage who said that they think the economy is doing well. Are they the same people? If so, perhaps they are still undecided because they are waiting to get their marching orders from well-informed friends like Abraham Lincoln, St. Catherine of Siena or Seabiscuit.”
In the view of Kristi Lauren Glakas, who represented the Old Dominion in the Miss Teen USA, Miss USA and Miss America contests, we’re all real:
“What’s best about Virginia is its diversity. The people, the geography. We have every class, every race, an amazing immigrant population… Virginia is the birthplace of America. To say that part of Virginia is not part of the real America is just offensive.”
ChrisHenryFrom Sunday’s Washington Post (correction likely in later editions):
“McCain supporters held signs praising the candidate’s experience and his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, and frequently erupted into chants ranging from ‘Drill, baby, drill!’ to ‘Nobama!’ during the afternoon event. Many wore red. The rally also included remarks from 11th District GOP candidate Keith Fimian, former Virginia governor James S. Gilmore III, running for U.S. Senate, and state Delegate Chris Waxman.”
At last night’s Alfred E. Smith Dinner: his middle name is “Steve.” Not only that — he wasn’t born in the United States: “I was actually born on Krypton and sent here by my father Jor El to save the planet Earth.”