OMG, I’m on Facebook

I cannot explain it. But after some gentle haranguing from friends (including my co-blogger), I finally posted on Facebook.

It is wearing me out.

First, there’s the new vocabulary. “Friend” as a verb? (Do we also “enemy” people?) Luckily, when you have reached my advanced age, there aren’t so many people who want to “friend” you anyway. My age cohort has certainly mastered email, but we are frankly a little skeptical about this whole blogging/social networking thing. (Of course, we thought that about the Internet, too.)

But I am lucky enough to have friends from many generations, and many of them seem quite at ease with the Facebook phenomenon. So these folks are friending me. And posting things on my wall. And sending me messages through yet another inbox.

It is nice to be friended. But, OMG, I miss the days when if I wanted to communicate with people, I just called them up.

On a land line.

7 thoughts on “OMG, I’m on Facebook”

  1. Del. Amundson,

    I would like the request that you write notes like “OMG R U SERIOUS!?1″ on legislation during committee meetings this upcoming session.

    Bonus points if you end a speech with the phrase “kthxbai.”

  2. ERic — I am looking for the opportunity to write OMG on legislation. Not like there won’t be plenty of chances.

    I did send Brink an email that ended “kthxbai,” but he, not being a lolcat devotee, just thought I had typo issues.

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